Viking firefighter challenge
Stavanger 2021
The event has been postponed due to covid-19
Must compete and finish the course in approved personal protective equipment. undergarment is free of choice
We reserve the right to change aspects of the course and competition.
All competitors must have finished the course within the officially time allotted.
Breathing apparatus is provided and must be worn by all competitors.
The individual runs are conducted in full gear including mask. You may use your own mask, or we will provide one for you.
Relays are conducted without masks.
A more detailed description of the competition and further information will be emailed to each competitor.
Every competitor must have a link to a fire department; full time, part time, industrial-, airport-, volunteer or retired firefighter.
A waiver form must be sign prior to racing. The form stipulates that this is a drug free competition and the competitor acknowledge they are not using any banned substances. Also participating in this event is at the competitor’s own risk. Any injuries sustained during the competition must be covered at own costs/insurance.
Further information
May 15.: Individual runs
May 16.: Relays
Relays must consist of 3 to 5 competitors. Categories are Women, Men and Mix.
Number of spots are limited.
Booking codes for accommodation will be provided later.
The registration is binding.
Starting fee is 450NOK individual run, and 100NOK per person for relays.
Last race on Saturday will be no later than 4:00 PM.
More information about the Challenge will be provided later.
Description of the Viking Firefighter Challenge course
Start and finish line at the same area.
1: LADDER: Run 25m, pick up ladder and continue 10m towards the tower. Place the ladder against the tower and within the
dedicated area. Raise the ladder exactly 6 rungs.
2: TOWER: Pick up hose pack(19kg) at the end of the stairs and proceed to the top of the tower (12,5m). Place the hose pack
in the box at the top.
3: SAFETY: Secure yourself by clicking onto to the safety hook before you lean over the railing.
4: HOISTING: Hoist the hose pack(19kg) up and place it into the box.
5: DESCENT: Unhook yourself before running down. Every step must be touched.
6: KAISER FORCE MACHINE: Hit the boom with a hammer(4kg) till the marker. Place hammer within dedicated area.
7: HOSE AND TARGET: Pick up the hose and run 15m. Hose down target at 20m. Close nozzle.
8: HOSE ROLL: Roll a 2,5″, 25m armtex hose. The hose roll must fit in the box.
9: DUMMY DRAG: Drag dummy (80kg sand dummy) 20m over the finish line.
! This course may be subject to minor changes pending on the place of the event !
-False start: 5 sec
-Placement of ladder (outside the marked area) 2 sec
-Rungs missed on the ladder: 2 sec for each rung.
-Premature release or missed placement of the high-rise pack: 2 sec
-Fail to secure yourself on the top of the tower: Disqualification
-Hose roll placement (not in the box): 2 sec
-Skipped step (tower descent): 2 sec
-Short Kaiser: 2 sec each cm
-Stepping on the Kaiser anywhere else than on the footpath, dragging it with the hammer or hitting it standing on one side: Disqualification.
-Misplacement of the hammer: 2 sec
-Missed target: disc
-Failed to close nozzle: 2 sec
-Hose roll not fitting in the box: disc (you may try several times, but it must fit before you can continue)
-Hose/couplings hanging outside the box: 2 sec
-Dummy drag. (Dragging it by the clothes or hands/feets): Disc
!! Changes may apply without notice !!
The rules will be announced on the course-walk through on the day of the race.
A demonstration of the course
Please note! This demo and test run are only for temporary use. It will be updated as soon as possible, and minor changes may apply.
Comments to the video of the test run:
- Individual run will be with mask on.
- At the top of the tower there will be a box to put both hose packs in.
- A safety rope will be attached in top of the tower, which every competitor must secure himself into before proceeding towards the railing.
- The hose to run out, will be filled with water and pressurized.
- There might be a target to shoot at in the end of the hose run, TBD. If not, the nozzle must be placed passed a designated line.
- The boxes for the rolled hoses will be made smaller. The hose must therefore be rolled nice and tight to fit in.